All eight of the NATEF Job Bedding manuals accept been carefully advised to abetment users accretion admired job accommodation abilities and adept specific analytic and adjustment procedures appropriate for success as a able automotive technician. Ideal for use either as a stand-alone account or with any absolute or topic-specific automotive text, the absolute alternation is accumbent with the 2008 NATEF tasks and consists of alone books for anniversary of the afterward areas: Engine Repair, Automatic Transmissions/Transaxles, Chiral Drive Trains and Axles, Suspension and Steering, Brakes, Electricity/Electronics, Heating and Air Conditioning, and Engine Performance. Central to anniversary chiral are well-designed and easy-to-read job sheets, anniversary of which contains specific performance-based objectives, lists of appropriate accoutrement and materials, assurance precautions, additional step-by-step procedures to advance users to achievement of boutique activities. Also, anniversary job area references all applicative NATEF Standards. As they plan through anniversary task, users are encouraged to conduct tests, almanac measurements, accomplish observations, and apply critical-thinking abilities in adjustment to draw conclusions. Space is included for users to accomplish addendum apropos problems encountered while working, and for advisers to add comments and/or grades.
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